Completed 50 miles in the last two days. I must say, I'm a little concerned about my physical condition and reaching my goal of 100 miles for MS on September 12th (gulp).
Monday the 7th I completed a 30 mile ride from the Umstead Park entrance (near Crabtree Park) to the BB&T building in downtown Raleigh, then back. Pretty cool ride & I highly recommend it.
Last night, I completed the remaining 20 miles of my 50 mile - 2 day goal by staying on Umstead Park trails. It was rather grueling due to recent rain which created a much softer surface. This ride was probably 2X more difficult than Monday's ride. 11 miles in I popped my chain and ended up crashing on the side of the road when I could not release from my foot straps. To add to the experience, I had to complete the remaining 5 miles in the dark due to poor time management.
During the final portion of last night's ride I was slightly freaking out, trying to avoid potholes, tree branches, snakes, deer, axe murders & of course ninjas - I felt quite vulnerable. When finishing out the final 2 miles of the ride, I kept seeing distant lights at the clearing where I had parked. It seemed to take forever to reach this clearing, but finally made it (Legend of Sleepy Hollow style).
At the end of the ride I couldn't help but to think that this ride may foreshadow how September 12th may go... extremely long, exhausting and fearful of death, while trying to reach that light at the end of the tunnel.
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